Wednesday, April 02, 2008

ewee (12/26): Singularity Sky by Charles Stross

ewee (12/26): Singularity Sky by Charles Stross Well, this book has interesting ideas, almost strong main characters, and almost enough plot. But in the end, it's ok. Only ok. But entertaining and a good commute companion on your casual carpool in, if the conversation is lagging.

It introduced me to the concept of the singularity, and when thought of as a bit of a farce and commentary on history and present time, it kinda works.

Recommended with a cuppa coffee and a bit of a commute or wait ahead. Much thanks to swingbeat for the lead...



Blogger Jay said...

Sorry you didn't like the book as much as I did. I really liked the whole idea of the singularity and all that. I'm reading another book by Charles Stross at this very moment, actually, and he mentions the concept of the singularity as well (different type of singularity, different universe).

I also didn't like the sequel as much either (Iron Sunrise - I completely forgot what it's about).

I thought the whole idea of the Eschaton and ideas on causality violations and light cones were interesting - it is new to me, but maybe not so new to you sci fi buffs :)

4/04/2008 2:00 AM  
Blogger shiny_i said...

hey, babe, sorry you didn't enjoy this book as much as i think i did when i read it awhile ago. sorry, i believe i do have a copy of it buried somewhere in a box in the garage. but i like how you've been diving into sci fi!

4/06/2008 7:29 PM  
Blogger ewee said...

yeah, thanks for the comments. it's true, this was my first interaction with the notion of a singularity. so that was pretty interesting. and the main characters were ok too.

just something about the writing left me feeling bogged down. oh well. it's great to be exposed to new books :-)

4/07/2008 11:05 AM  

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