Monday, May 05, 2008

ewee (17/26): A Bridge of Years by Robert Charles Wilson

ewee (17/26): A Bridge of Years by Robert Charles Wilson(Can it be?...I'm caught up! woohoo!)

One more in the ongoing RCW-fest. Surprisingly, I'm not sick of him yet, and I'm still finding his books and enjoyable diversion from the other more serious books I've got going. This one is lightweight, doesn't come anywhere near Spin, and might be one of the weaker RCW books I've read (ok, in some ways, it's the weakest of them so far). Some of it's descriptions are a bit gruesome (but, again, I'm a baby when it comes to that), and the storytelling is a bit jerky. But overall, RCW has some interesting ideas and a fairly nice way with words. His characters are a bit different from some of the usual sci-fi protagonists, and he goes out of his way to include a bit of diversity. Well, this one wasn't diverse racially (that I could tell), but I do like that the women talk in his books, and tho it's sometimes awkward, I do appreciate that he includes people of color in his novels. Not sure if I'd recommend it, unless you weren't able to sleep, and needed a fast book to get up to quota.



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