Monday, April 28, 2008

ewee (15/26): Blind Lake by Robert Charles Wilson

ewee (15/26): Blind Lake by Robert Charles WilsonAt this rate, miz shiny-eye's gonna finish this book before I get this post done (woohoo! read, sy, read!).

Well, nothing I've read of Wilson's books has matched Spin and this is no exception. But it's good. Really interesting ideas, pretty good plot and character development, interesting ideas. Worth the read. And as Miz Lucky-duck points out, my recommendations tend toward the couch + snuggly dog(s) + beverage formula. This one's not much different.

Let's say: Recommended with a cold beer, a sunny deck (or porch) with hammock, and two dogs alternating between sleeping in the sun and running amok through the garden.

Since I'm not getting to any helpful reviewing, here's some links:



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