Saturday, January 24, 2009

Yong (0.5/26): "Bicycle Repairman" by Bruce Sterling

I'm not actually supposed to be reading any books between September and June. No time, papers to grade, you see. But I cheated, snuck in a quick fix, just another form of procrastination, really. Not even a book, hence the .5, just a short story, technically a novella. Forty pages in an anthology with rather large type, more like twenty, if that. A crappy resolution version can be "Looked Inside" on Amazon, but I found a (probably illicit) copy here. Post-cyber-punk science fiction, they call this stuff. Hugo award winner. Not bad. Some socio-political commentary, takes me back to the days when I read Bicycling magazine. Good for a quick fix. Get yours, too. Okay, back to grading...


Blogger yong said...

Okay, I feel a little better about calling this my book 1, because in the name of procrastination, I read a second story from the website, a longer one, and a better one. "Taklamakan", which feeds the reader both economics and geography. Overlapping characters with "Bicycle Repairman", big picture issues, even learned a little geography by looking up the Taklamakan Desert on Wikipedia. And I suspect I'll read other stories, too. I'd read this one over the former to see if you like the universe that Sterling spins up. Neat stuff.

1/25/2009 3:32 PM  
Blogger ewee said...

thanks for the short tidbits! i'm behind in my posting *and* reading, i'm afraid...

3/23/2009 9:30 PM  

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