Monday, November 10, 2008

ewee (05/26): Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken

ewee (05/26): <emph>Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right</emph> by Al Franken
Leading up to the election, I needed some good liberal bias to keep me from sinking into a CNN-sponsored overload. This fit the bill nicely. Al Franken is at times absurd, but with a very serious liberal agenda.

It was also very interesting to note that when this book was written, McCain was still a bit of a moderate/independent Republican--and going up against Bush Jr. Remember those days?

Not sure if I'd recommend it, unless you're a bleeding heart liberal who needs to balance out a daily diet of conservative main stream media. In that case, it's a helps offset the hours spent screaming at the TV.

Ok, a little bit from the book:

Yes, I'm a liberal, and I'm proud of it. It's a term we need to reclaim. Because I believe most Americans are liberals like me. Most Americans believe in helping people. And most Americans believe that the government has a role to play--to create opportunity, to protect the environment, to provide for the common good.

...We have to fight. But we can't fight like they do. ...They fight with lies.

We can't do that. We have to fight them with truth. Our added entertainment value will have to come from being funny and attractive. And passionate. And idealistic. But also smart.

And on that note, here's to the dawning of a new, smarter era in American politics!



Blogger yong said...

as a jaded, flaming liberal who got stuck on the half-empty of this election, I can totally relate with the need for this kind of material. I just this past hour read Keith Olberman's bio on Wikipedia (after watching his prop 8 rant), and you gotta read the part on his love of the Bush admin. it made me laugh out loud and bury my head in my arms. twice. props to KO. and to you.

11/11/2008 12:54 PM  
Blogger ewee said...

thanks for the olberman tip--i just watched the video yesterday.

and thanks for the props...been a reading machine!

11/11/2008 3:31 PM  
Blogger ewee said...

(a reading machine, thanks to this blog, i meant to type...)

11/11/2008 3:31 PM  
Blogger Kayan said...

You're all still reading! Yay!

You get a puppy!

11/19/2008 8:28 AM  
Blogger Kayan said...

BTW FYI, here's what I've been reading:

11/19/2008 8:30 AM  
Blogger ewee said...

a puppy! really! wait. i have two. you can keep the puppy...

and that's some interesting reading. i think you should still post from time to time. i'd love to read about neuro stuffs!

(oh, and side note, i'm gonna be in nyc for a quick bit. no pressure. i'll txt you if it seems like we'll have time for brunch or something...)

11/24/2008 12:46 PM  

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