Thursday, December 21, 2006

swingbeat 2/26: The God Who Changes Lives Edited by Mark Elsdon-Dew

(where is everyone!??)

This is a book that is associated with the Alpha course, a Christianity 101 course given by my church. Anyway, this book is a collection of testimonies by people who went through the Alpha course, and they talk about how the course has affected their lives. The first couple of stories were inspiring but then the rest got kind of old. I personally coudln't relate to many of the people. Most of the stories were about people who were drug addicts or some other destructive behavior.

Only one of the people in this 12 story was someone I could kind of relate to - someone who was consumed more with materialism and the world than drugs or alcohol. Anyway, I felt this book was directed at a different audience than just me, and (I think) few of the readers on this blog, so I'm going to give it a "Not Recommended". It's nice light reading though.


Blogger yong said...

where is everyone? heh. i'm buried in school. buried, i say! not buried, like with your head sticking out at the beach. nor the opposite, like an ostrich. but...i won't be doing any reading for a while.

--yong, at 0/26 (and holding)

1/07/2007 2:54 PM  

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