Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bridget: 12/26: The Genius of Flexibility by Bob Cooley

Stats: 320pp; self-help

Summary: This was a pretty interesting book. I had read a review of it on Amazon with a description of how this book has changed the lives of a number of Olympic atheletes and marathon runners. I also found it particularly interesting because of the tie it makes to Chinese Medicine (ideas of how certain external parts of the body correspond to internal organ groups) and how these flexibility exercises can lead to better physical, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. People who study social personality types might also like this book because Cooley describes 16 different personality types and how different exercises can point to which one you are most like.

The books starts out with Cooley and the events that lead up to this breakthrough in overall wellness. In other chapters, he describes the personality types, the tie in to Chinese Medicine, how these exercises can change your life, and then several chapters which include sets of beginner, intermediate and advanced exercises.

If anything, you will learn a new way to look at systemic well-being and I think that you would be in for a good laugh. There are some bizarre stretches that literally made me laugh out loud when I saw them. I laughed to imagine Bob Cooley sitting in his basement bending his arms and legs this way in order to make a full set of exercises for his book.

Recommended. Although the explanations behind the exercises were compelling, admittedly, I only tried one of them!


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