Wednesday, June 16, 2010

8/26 The Verdant Passage by Troy Denning

I started reading this book because it took place in the Dark Sun world of D&D. I never played in it or read much about it, but then I read an article that made me think I'd like to learn more.

This was a world in which everyone was tough, it was a desert world. I figured this would be cool because it would be like Dune, and who doesn't like Dune? :)

Anyway, I guess this book has promise. It's book 1 of 5, and it was a nice short read.. About some gladiators who escaped from some slave pens, hook up with a senator (who happens to be a psionic dude), and they plot to kill the evil tyrant king, Kalak, who is trying to turn himself into a Dragon via magic and psionics by absorbing the life force of 10000 people. Whew, what a mouthful. The book is somewhat predictable.

I'm not sure where the second book is going to go, but the characters aren't especially deep or anything. It's an easy read so I might still go ahead and borrow the second book from the library.