Sunday, December 06, 2009

Kayan : 1/26 : The Road by Cormac McCarthy

WARNING: DO NOT watch the movie trailer before reading this book. Your own envision of the story will most definitely be better than the film adaptation.

The Road tells the journey of a father and his son in a world where no hope and little life remains. They are "each the other's world entire."

And man oh man. Reading this book took a lot of WORK. I *DESPISED* the sentence structures from beginning to end - it drains me to read it. Examples:

p.15: "They were days fording that cauterized terrain."

p.215: "Out there was the gray beach with the slow combers rolling dull and leaden and the distant sound of it."

p.272: "In the nights sometimes now he'd wake in the black and freezing waste out of softly colored worlds of human love, the songs of birds, the sun."

It pains me just to type it out.

But for those willing to drudge through the cauterized terrain of this book, there is reward at the end. The story, the two characters, and the bond between them will stay with you for some time.

But Mr. McCarthy, did you have to make it so hard?!

Pulitzer Prize for Fiction - 2007


Blogger Jay said...

wow, can't believe such a poorly written book was given the Pulitzer! i mean even if there was a reward in the end, I'd expect Pulitzers to be _readable_!

12/08/2009 12:48 AM  
Blogger yong said...

Wow, I can't believe you actually forced yourself through such a book cauterized, words charred and jumbled, pained by the reading of it. With all those other books started and casually abandoned, what in the world motivated you to finish this one?? But bravo to you for making it through, and for warning the rest of us of its twisted language terrain.

12/11/2009 8:06 PM  

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