Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ewee (18/26): Terrier, by Tamora Pierce

ewee (18/26): Terrier, by Tamora Pierce Cheesy bit of fluff to occupy my time. Great for a relaxing during camping (with sleep deprivation and evacuation, thanks to a wildfire close by!) and racing in Monterey this weekend.

Characterization somewhat shallow, but I always appreciate Pierce's attention to strong female characters and fairly clean writing style. Overall, it's a quick read, tho it could be edited a bit more to read better (typos, unclear sentence structure). Nothing gross or overly cheeseball (tho you might disagree with me on the last one, as the entire genre is too cheesy for some). And engaging enough to make me neglect housecleaning (not hard to do) and my honey (harder to do). And luckily for my unending appetite for the like, it's the first in the Provost's Dog trilogy, so I have something to look forward to (especially since the Trickster books turned out to only be a duology, instead of the trilogy I'd hoped for). Overall, if you like fantasy, it's not a bad read. But again, don't buy it. Borrow my copy, or get to your local library...



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