Monday, August 22, 2005

Tina can read: 1/26: Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)

Greetings to the group! Although I finished this book fairly recently, can this go into the book bag? I read this book because another book, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Asar Nafisi, made references to it. Madame Bovary is definitely one of those ahead-of-their-times novel, written during an era where women stayed at home, bounded by societal rules of how a lady should be, this book depicts a woman's regression, anger, passion, resentment, deceit, greed and lust after she follows the rules of getting married and procreating.

I finished this book with a sense of sadness. Her life of beauty and hope quicly turned ugly, boring and meaningless. In the end, I was angry with her character because the changes were so quick and it didn't offer the readers much explanation and hope for her character as well as our own.

I think I'm going to drop the tragic 19th century drama and go for something lighter next: Harry Potter! :)


Blogger Kayan said...

Like Yong, you can get a 1-book handicap and have 25 as your goal. (1/25, 2/25, etc.) Just to be fair.

Your stingy editor,
- K

8/22/2005 11:06 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

I may give Harry Potter 1 a try.

8/24/2005 12:56 PM  
Blogger yong said...

Harry Potter?!? NOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!

8/24/2005 12:57 PM  

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